What is cancer ?
Cancer-treatment entered a new-era with using a Gene-therapy<ยีนบำบัด> !!
Fatty acid synthase (FAS) inhibitor <ตัวยับยั้งเอนไซม์ของชีวสังเคราะห์กรดไขมัน>
What is "Fas ligand"?
Fatty acid synthase (FAS: เอนไซม์การสังเคราะห์กรดไขมัน)
Fatty acid synthase (FAS) inhibitor <เอนไซม์ของชีวสังเคราะห์กรดไขมัน>
Synthesis and antitumor activity of an inhibitor of fatty acid synthase
The origin of cancers<มะเร็ง> and the mechanism of the human body<ร่างกาย>
Unicellular organism<สิ่งมีชีวิตเซลล์เดียว> &
Multicellular organism<สิ่งมีชีวิตหลายเซลล์>
Cancer<มะเร็ง> came into being multicellular-organism<สิ่งมีชีวิตหลายเซลล์> by an anthropogenesis<วิวัฒนาการของมนุษย์>
This is a basic factor that can even be said to be the common fate<โชคชะตา> lot of the Multicellular organism<สิ่งมีชีวิตหลายเซลล์>, it certainly doesn't apply only to human-being<มนุษย์>.
The human-being<มนุษย์> is subject to a disease called cancer than other animals.
The cancerogenesis-rate<มะเร็งเหตุการณ์มะเร็ง> of a human-being<มนุษย์> is the highest among the the animal-kingdom<อาณาจักรสัตว์>.
The gene<ยีน> of a human-being<มนุษย์> is the same 99% as the gene of a chimpanzee<ชิมแปนซี>. Its difference is only 1%.
The cancer death rate(%) of a human-being<มนุษย์> is 30%.
The cancer death rate(%) of a chimpanzee<ชิมแปนซี> is only 2%.
A human-being<มนุษย์> is a high risk of cancer fifteen-times than a chimpanzee<ชิมแปนซี>.
The cancer-death-rate(%) of other animals is exceedingly lower than a human-being<มนุษย์>.
5.5 hundred million years ago, many kinds of Multicellular organism<สิ่งมีชีวิตหลายเซลล์> had appeared on the earth.
Cancer<มะเร็ง> arosed with making a mistaken to copy(reproduction) for a cell-division(การแบ่งเซลล์) when the multicellular organism<สิ่งมีชีวิตหลายเซลล์> came into being.
Jarle Breivik,-an associate professor at the University of Oslo-, has thought that"The fate<โชคชะตา> to get a cancer was embeded when becoming the multicellular organism<สิ่งมีชีวิตหลายเซลล์>".
Jarle Breivik, an associate professor at the University of Oslo
The cancer of dinosaur มะเร็งของไดโนเสาร์
Cancer<มะเร็ง> was found from a dinosaur-fossil -1.5 hundred million years old- of "Diplodocus<ไดโนเสาร์ : ไดพลอโดคัส>" The fossil of a dinosaur's cancer has been kept at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History.
Diplodocus cancer fissil at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Oakland neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,USA
In the day of the dinosaurs, Cancer<มะเร็ง> was a rare disease for dinosaurs. ...was not much.
7million years ago เจ็ดล้านปีที่แล้ว
วิวัฒนาการของมนุษย์ ออสตราโลพิเธคคัส
The human-being<มนุษย์> who coming into being in Africa<ทวีปแอฟริกา> had built up a highly advanced civilization.
But the other side, the umbra of disease has embeded within the body of human-being.
Approximately 7 million years ago, the human-being has enlarged their brain by a bipedal-walking<การเดินสองเท้า>. But as a result, significant proteins<โปรตีน> and genes<ยีน> -which being related to the evolution of human-being<มนุษย์> - let Cancer-cell<เซลล์มะเร็ง> become easy to increase. Now, the cutting-edge technology of molecular-biology<อณูชีววิทยา> has attempted to approach unraveling a mechanism of cancer<มะเร็ง> from a human evolution<วิวัฒนาการของมนุษย์>.
In the land of Tanzania<ประเทศแทนซาเนีย>, 1976, there has been left our ancestor's the most ancient of footprints -3.80million years ago-.
Laetoli <เลโตลิ>
The evolution of human-intelligence has embeded the fate of cancer<มะเร็ง> within a human-body.
The stone-implement<2 .5million="" ago="" years=""> -which found in Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania<ประเทศแทนซาเนีย>- gives important clues to infer the evolution of human-intelligence. 2>
The earliest stone tool was a primitive and simple tool which just breaking stones in an early stage.
And 1.8million years ago, a sharp-stone which made by hitting a stone and a stone again and again.
The human-being has enlarged their brains through the process of enhancing the human intelligence.
Brain volumes of Australopithecus<ออสตราโลพิเธคัส> , the most primitive possible human ancestor identified, ranges from 435 to 650 cc (other say 413 to 530 cc), well within the gorilla and chimpanzee range. However, the part of the brain responsible for our greater mental dexterity than other primates, the cerebral cortex, is well developed in A.africanus<ออสทราโลพิเทคัส แอฟริกานัส> compared to other great apes. By three million years ago, this creature already had expanded frontal lobes more human-like than that of any living primate. Scientists include species within the Genus "Homo" and thus as ancestors of humanity on this basis. The "cerebral Rubicon" proposed is a cranial volume of 750 cc.
Homo erectus<โฮโม อีเร็กตัส : 950-1100cc> Fossils called Java-Man(มนุษย์ชวา : 850 cc) and Peking-Man(มนุษย์ปักกิ่ง : 915 to 1225 cc) are both included within the genus Homo. Homo habilis<โฮโมแฮบิลิส>, the first species of our genus, had a brain volume of between 600 and 800 cubic centimeters. Homo rudolfensis<โฮโม รูดอลเฟนซิส> with a brain volume from about 775 cc to 900 cc, lived around the same time as H. habilis<โฮโมแฮบิลิส>.
There has been a gradual increase in brain volume as we progressed along the Human timeline of evolution, starting from about 600 cm3 in Homo habilis<โฮโมแฮบิลิส> up to 1500 cm3 in Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. Thus, in general there's a correlation between brain volume and intelligence. However, modern Homo sapiens have a brain volume slightly smaller (1250 cm3) than neanderthals, women have a brain volume slightly smaller than men and the Flores island hominins (Homo floresiensis:โฮโม ฟรอเรสไซเอนซิส), nicknamed hobbits, had a cranial capacity of about 380 cm3 about a third of that of H.erectus<โฮโม อีเร็กตัส>.
It is proposed that they evolved from H.erectus<โฮโม อีเร็กตัส> as a case of insular dwarfism. With their three times smaller brain the Flores hominids apparently used fire and made stone tools at least as sophisticated as those of their ancestor H.erectus<โฮโม อีเร็กตัส>.
In this case, it seems that for intelligence, the structure of the brain is more important than its size.
Oldowan -the earliest stone tool-
Human Evolution Oldest Evidence Of Stone Tool Use
Cancer-cell<เซลล์มะเร็ง> has increased by using the gene<ยีน> of Spermatozoon<ตัวอสุจิ> !!
Why the gene of human-being's Spermatozoon mutated ?
It is thought that being caused by changing the reproductive strategy of human-being<มนุษย์> with taking the opportunity of the human-being's bipedal-walking<การเดินสองเท้า>.
Hadza people<ชาวฮัดซา> living in Tanzania<ประเทศแทนซาเนีย> has kept a lifestyle of human-being's ancestor now too.
Hadza's men walks 30km every day for having a hunt<ล่าสัตว์>. They brings foods their families'home. ชาวฮัดซาในประเทศแทนซาเนีย
Hadza people in Tanzania<ประเทศแทนซาเนีย>
Dr.C.Owen Lovejoy -anthropologist<นักมนุษยวิทยา>- of Kent State University<มหาวิทยาลัยเคนต์สเตต> has imagined that the male became to be able to bring many foods to a place of the female. And,...In return, the female had copulated. It was a strategy of female on the process of evolution<วิวัฒนาการของมนุษย์>.
As a result, a division of labor -"a male takes charge of having a hunt<ล่าสัตว์> and a female takes charge of child-care<การเลี้ยงดูเด็ก>"- started.
Humans changed behaviorally during their evolution.
The pelvis<เชิงกราน> of human-being changed its framework<ระบบโครงกระดูก> by bipedal-walking<การเดินสองเท้า>.
As a result, a human baby<เด็กอ่อน> became to be born as a premature-baby<การคลอดก่อนกำหนด>. Until a premature-baby<การคลอดก่อนกำหนด> become able to walk at a quick pace, its time needs the minimum 3years.
Within a given period of time, a female has got to attach a male who bringing foods to female's home.
Accordingly, the excessive secretion of Dopamine<โดพามีน> -which conducing to or feeling mental comfort for making love- has been become to be used for keeping a male.
It was a necessary system for a child rearing.
1.8million years ago, the human-being<มนุษย์> having a family lost the mating season since starting to walk on two legs<การเดินสองเท้า>.
Owing to the excessive secretion of Dopamine<โดพามีน>, the human-being<มนุษย์> became to be in rut at any time.
As a result, With compared to a chimpanzee<ชิมแปนซี>, the proliferating ability of human-being's Spermatozoon on and on ad infinitum
Dr. C. Owen Lovejoy Introduces New Early Hominid Skeleton
Owen Lovejoy
Dr Rasmus Nielsen at University of California, Berkeley has examined its difference of genes between a human-being<มนุษย์> and a chimpanzee<ชิมแปนซี> in detail.
As a result of the research, they paid attention to a certain or particular gene.
It was the gene of producing a spermatozoon<ตัวอสุจิ>.
Human spermatozoon<ตัวอสุจิ> had obtained the especial mechanism for proliferating all the time. And, Dr Rasmus Nielsen noticed that its proliferating-system is similar to the system of spermatozoon<ตัวอสุจิ> through a research of cancer<มะเร็ง>. Human's cancer-cell<เซลล์มะเร็ง> has incorporated the spermatozoon<ตัวอสุจิ>'s mechanism for proliferating into the cancer-cell during their evolution.
Dublin City University
Dr Mary J. O'Connell at Dublin City University discovered the enzyme<เอนไซม์> affecting to enlarge a human-brain and a proliferation of cancer-cell<เซลล์มะเร็ง>.
Dr. Mary J. O'Connell of Dublin City University
It is an enzyme"FAS". Dr. Mary J. O'Connell found out that human's FAS<เอนไซม์การสังเคราะห์กรดไขมัน> is drastically changed than other animals'FAS<การสังเคราะห์กรดไขมัน>. And she has thought that"Human-being<มนุษย์> raised its capacity of increasing in production of FAS<เอนไซม์การสังเคราะห์กรดไขมัน> in their brains.
Within an evolutionary framework, Enlarging of human-brain was incarnated with a mass-producing system of a fatty-acid<กรดไขมัน> by FAS<เอนไซม์การสังเคราะห์กรดไขมัน>.
FAS<เอนไซม์การสังเคราะห์กรดไขมัน> potentiating within a human-brain cell<เซลสมองของมนุษย์> produces a large amount of fatty-acids for expanding the network of brain-cells by activating each brain-cell<เซลสมอง>.
This mechanism has enlarged a human-brain<สมองของมนุษย์>.
Adaptive evolution of the human fatty acid synthase gene: Support for the cancer selection and fat utilization hypotheses?
Dr.Gabriele Ronnett at Johns Hopkins University<มหาวิทยาลัยจอนส์ฮอปกินส์>
The Dr.Gabriele Ronnett's research-team of Johns Hopkins University found out that Human cancer<เซลล์มะเร็ง> has exacerbated a carcinogenic-rate(%) with using a large amount of fatty-acids<กรดไขมัน>.
Now, new anticancer-drug -which inhibiting(blocking) the effect(function) of FAS - has been developed the enzyme inhibitor"C-31".
"C-31" has been regarded as a viable prospect for a cancer treatment<วิธีการรักษาโรคมะเร็งใหม่>. This substance will lead to the development of medicine.
Human-being<มนุษย์> had been able to acquire various knowledge and adaptability by a big-brain.
Six ten thousand ago<หกเป็นหมื่น>, Human-being<มนุษย์> had left from Africa<ทวีปแอฟริกา> and had migrated to all over the world.
Human-being<มนุษย์> became to be able to live in a cold northern district -where is a feeble ultraviolet ray<รังสีอัลตราไวโอเลต> of a sunlight<แสงอาทิตย์> like Northern Europe<กลุ่มนอร์ดิก> and Siberia<ไซบีเรีย>, North America<ทวีปอเมริกาเหนือ>.
As a result, the cancerogenesis-rate(%) of peoples increased.
Recent African origin of modern humans http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recent_single-origin_hypothesis
Pyrmont town in the state of Nebraska<รัฐเนแบรสกา> on the Great Plains of the Midwestern United States is a cold northern district -where is a feeble a sunlight<แสงอาทิตย์>-. So, Pyrmont town in Nebraska<รัฐเนแบรสกา> is the most highest district about a cancer death rate(%) of Colorectal cancer<โรคมะเร็งลำไส้ใหญ่และทวารหนัก>.
According to the report of the large-scale experiment or clinical trial that includes a comparison group about a causal relationship between Vitamin D<วิตามินดี> and Colorectal cancer<โรคมะเร็งลำไส้ใหญ่และทวารหนัก>, the cancer risk of peoples -who takes Vitamin D<วิตามินดี>- was a half of peoples -who does not take Vitamin D.
Dr. Cedric Garland -epidemiologist<นักวิจัยวิทยาการระบาด>- found out that several cancers are closely related to the UV dose. Excessive Sunburn causes a skin cancer<มะเร็งผิวหนัง>. But it is important to sunbathe 15minutes per a day.
How Vitamin D Reduces Incidence of Cancer: DINOMIT Model
Fatty acid synthase (FAS) inhibitor <ตัวยับยั้งเอนไซม์ของชีวสังเคราะห์กรดไขมัน>
What is "Fas ligand"?
Fatty acid synthase (FAS: เอนไซม์การสังเคราะห์กรดไขมัน)
Fatty acid synthase (FAS) inhibitor <เอนไซม์ของชีวสังเคราะห์กรดไขมัน>
Synthesis and antitumor activity of an inhibitor of fatty acid synthase
The origin of cancers<มะเร็ง> and the mechanism of the human body<ร่างกาย>
Unicellular organism<สิ่งมีชีวิตเซลล์เดียว> &
Multicellular organism<สิ่งมีชีวิตหลายเซลล์>
Cancer<มะเร็ง> came into being multicellular-organism<สิ่งมีชีวิตหลายเซลล์> by an anthropogenesis<วิวัฒนาการของมนุษย์>
This is a basic factor that can even be said to be the common fate<โชคชะตา> lot of the Multicellular organism<สิ่งมีชีวิตหลายเซลล์>, it certainly doesn't apply only to human-being<มนุษย์>.
The human-being<มนุษย์> is subject to a disease called cancer than other animals.
The cancerogenesis-rate<มะเร็งเหตุการณ์มะเร็ง> of a human-being<มนุษย์> is the highest among the the animal-kingdom<อาณาจักรสัตว์>.
The gene<ยีน> of a human-being<มนุษย์> is the same 99% as the gene of a chimpanzee<ชิมแปนซี>. Its difference is only 1%.
The cancer death rate(%) of a human-being<มนุษย์> is 30%.
The cancer death rate(%) of a chimpanzee<ชิมแปนซี> is only 2%.
A human-being<มนุษย์> is a high risk of cancer fifteen-times than a chimpanzee<ชิมแปนซี>.
The cancer-death-rate(%) of other animals is exceedingly lower than a human-being<มนุษย์>.
5.5 hundred million years ago, many kinds of Multicellular organism<สิ่งมีชีวิตหลายเซลล์> had appeared on the earth.
Cancer<มะเร็ง> arosed with making a mistaken to copy(reproduction) for a cell-division(การแบ่งเซลล์) when the multicellular organism<สิ่งมีชีวิตหลายเซลล์> came into being.
Jarle Breivik,-an associate professor at the University of Oslo-, has thought that"The fate<โชคชะตา> to get a cancer was embeded when becoming the multicellular organism<สิ่งมีชีวิตหลายเซลล์>".
Jarle Breivik, an associate professor at the University of Oslo
The cancer of dinosaur มะเร็งของไดโนเสาร์
Cancer<มะเร็ง> was found from a dinosaur-fossil -1.5 hundred million years old- of "Diplodocus<ไดโนเสาร์ : ไดพลอโดคัส>" The fossil of a dinosaur's cancer has been kept at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History.
Diplodocus cancer fissil at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Oakland neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,USA
In the day of the dinosaurs, Cancer<มะเร็ง> was a rare disease for dinosaurs. ...was not much.
7million years ago เจ็ดล้านปีที่แล้ว
วิวัฒนาการของมนุษย์ ออสตราโลพิเธคคัส
The human-being<มนุษย์> who coming into being in Africa<ทวีปแอฟริกา> had built up a highly advanced civilization.
But the other side, the umbra of disease has embeded within the body of human-being.
In the land of Tanzania<ประเทศแทนซาเนีย>, 1976, there has been left our ancestor's the most ancient of footprints -3.80million years ago-.
Laetoli <เลโตลิ>
The evolution of human-intelligence has embeded the fate of cancer<มะเร็ง> within a human-body.
The stone-implement<2 .5million="" ago="" years=""> -which found in Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania<ประเทศแทนซาเนีย>- gives important clues to infer the evolution of human-intelligence. 2>
The earliest stone tool was a primitive and simple tool which just breaking stones in an early stage.
And 1.8million years ago, a sharp-stone which made by hitting a stone and a stone again and again.
The human-being has enlarged their brains through the process of enhancing the human intelligence.
Brain volumes of Australopithecus<ออสตราโลพิเธคัส> , the most primitive possible human ancestor identified, ranges from 435 to 650 cc (other say 413 to 530 cc), well within the gorilla and chimpanzee range. However, the part of the brain responsible for our greater mental dexterity than other primates, the cerebral cortex, is well developed in A.africanus<ออสทราโลพิเทคัส แอฟริกานัส> compared to other great apes. By three million years ago, this creature already had expanded frontal lobes more human-like than that of any living primate. Scientists include species within the Genus "Homo" and thus as ancestors of humanity on this basis. The "cerebral Rubicon" proposed is a cranial volume of 750 cc.
Homo erectus<โฮโม อีเร็กตัส : 950-1100cc> Fossils called Java-Man(มนุษย์ชวา : 850 cc) and Peking-Man(มนุษย์ปักกิ่ง : 915 to 1225 cc) are both included within the genus Homo. Homo habilis<โฮโมแฮบิลิส>, the first species of our genus, had a brain volume of between 600 and 800 cubic centimeters. Homo rudolfensis<โฮโม รูดอลเฟนซิส> with a brain volume from about 775 cc to 900 cc, lived around the same time as H. habilis<โฮโมแฮบิลิส>.
There has been a gradual increase in brain volume as we progressed along the Human timeline of evolution, starting from about 600 cm3 in Homo habilis<โฮโมแฮบิลิส> up to 1500 cm3 in Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. Thus, in general there's a correlation between brain volume and intelligence. However, modern Homo sapiens have a brain volume slightly smaller (1250 cm3) than neanderthals, women have a brain volume slightly smaller than men and the Flores island hominins (Homo floresiensis:โฮโม ฟรอเรสไซเอนซิส), nicknamed hobbits, had a cranial capacity of about 380 cm3 about a third of that of H.erectus<โฮโม อีเร็กตัส>.
It is proposed that they evolved from H.erectus<โฮโม อีเร็กตัส> as a case of insular dwarfism. With their three times smaller brain the Flores hominids apparently used fire and made stone tools at least as sophisticated as those of their ancestor H.erectus<โฮโม อีเร็กตัส>.
In this case, it seems that for intelligence, the structure of the brain is more important than its size.
Oldowan -the earliest stone tool-
Human Evolution Oldest Evidence Of Stone Tool Use
Cancer-cell<เซลล์มะเร็ง> has increased by using the gene<ยีน> of Spermatozoon<ตัวอสุจิ> !!
Why the gene of human-being's Spermatozoon mutated ?
It is thought that being caused by changing the reproductive strategy of human-being<มนุษย์> with taking the opportunity of the human-being's bipedal-walking<การเดินสองเท้า>.
Hadza people<ชาวฮัดซา> living in Tanzania<ประเทศแทนซาเนีย> has kept a lifestyle of human-being's ancestor now too.
Hadza's men walks 30km every day for having a hunt<ล่าสัตว์>. They brings foods their families'home. ชาวฮัดซาในประเทศแทนซาเนีย
Hadza people in Tanzania<ประเทศแทนซาเนีย>
Dr.C.Owen Lovejoy -anthropologist<นักมนุษยวิทยา>- of Kent State University<มหาวิทยาลัยเคนต์สเตต> has imagined that the male became to be able to bring many foods to a place of the female. And,...In return, the female had copulated. It was a strategy of female on the process of evolution<วิวัฒนาการของมนุษย์>.
As a result, a division of labor -"a male takes charge of having a hunt<ล่าสัตว์> and a female takes charge of child-care<การเลี้ยงดูเด็ก>"- started.
Humans changed behaviorally during their evolution.
The pelvis<เชิงกราน> of human-being changed its framework<ระบบโครงกระดูก> by bipedal-walking<การเดินสองเท้า>.
As a result, a human baby<เด็กอ่อน> became to be born as a premature-baby<การคลอดก่อนกำหนด>. Until a premature-baby<การคลอดก่อนกำหนด> become able to walk at a quick pace, its time needs the minimum 3years.
Within a given period of time, a female has got to attach a male who bringing foods to female's home.
Accordingly, the excessive secretion of Dopamine<โดพามีน> -which conducing to or feeling mental comfort for making love- has been become to be used for keeping a male.
It was a necessary system for a child rearing.
1.8million years ago, the human-being<มนุษย์> having a family lost the mating season since starting to walk on two legs<การเดินสองเท้า>.
Owing to the excessive secretion of Dopamine<โดพามีน>, the human-being<มนุษย์> became to be in rut at any time.
As a result, With compared to a chimpanzee<ชิมแปนซี>, the proliferating ability of human-being's Spermatozoon on and on ad infinitum
Dr. C. Owen Lovejoy Introduces New Early Hominid Skeleton
Owen Lovejoy
Dr Rasmus Nielsen at University of California, Berkeley has examined its difference of genes between a human-being<มนุษย์> and a chimpanzee<ชิมแปนซี> in detail.
As a result of the research, they paid attention to a certain or particular gene.
It was the gene of producing a spermatozoon<ตัวอสุจิ>.
Human spermatozoon<ตัวอสุจิ> had obtained the especial mechanism for proliferating all the time. And, Dr Rasmus Nielsen noticed that its proliferating-system is similar to the system of spermatozoon<ตัวอสุจิ> through a research of cancer<มะเร็ง>. Human's cancer-cell<เซลล์มะเร็ง> has incorporated the spermatozoon<ตัวอสุจิ>'s mechanism for proliferating into the cancer-cell during their evolution.
Dublin City University
Dr Mary J. O'Connell at Dublin City University discovered the enzyme<เอนไซม์> affecting to enlarge a human-brain and a proliferation of cancer-cell<เซลล์มะเร็ง>.
Dr. Mary J. O'Connell of Dublin City University
It is an enzyme"FAS". Dr. Mary J. O'Connell found out that human's FAS<เอนไซม์การสังเคราะห์กรดไขมัน> is drastically changed than other animals'FAS<การสังเคราะห์กรดไขมัน>. And she has thought that"Human-being<มนุษย์> raised its capacity of increasing in production of FAS<เอนไซม์การสังเคราะห์กรดไขมัน> in their brains.
Within an evolutionary framework, Enlarging of human-brain was incarnated with a mass-producing system of a fatty-acid<กรดไขมัน> by FAS<เอนไซม์การสังเคราะห์กรดไขมัน>.
This mechanism has enlarged a human-brain<สมองของมนุษย์>.
Adaptive evolution of the human fatty acid synthase gene: Support for the cancer selection and fat utilization hypotheses?
Dr.Gabriele Ronnett at Johns Hopkins University<มหาวิทยาลัยจอนส์ฮอปกินส์>
The Dr.Gabriele Ronnett's research-team of Johns Hopkins University found out that Human cancer<เซลล์มะเร็ง> has exacerbated a carcinogenic-rate(%) with using a large amount of fatty-acids<กรดไขมัน>.
Now, new anticancer-drug -which inhibiting(blocking) the effect(function) of FAS - has been developed the enzyme inhibitor"C-31".
"C-31" has been regarded as a viable prospect for a cancer treatment<วิธีการรักษาโรคมะเร็งใหม่>. This substance will lead to the development of medicine.
Human-being<มนุษย์> had been able to acquire various knowledge and adaptability by a big-brain.
Six ten thousand ago<หกเป็นหมื่น>, Human-being<มนุษย์> had left from Africa<ทวีปแอฟริกา> and had migrated to all over the world.
Human-being<มนุษย์> became to be able to live in a cold northern district -where is a feeble ultraviolet ray<รังสีอัลตราไวโอเลต> of a sunlight<แสงอาทิตย์> like Northern Europe<กลุ่มนอร์ดิก> and Siberia<ไซบีเรีย>, North America<ทวีปอเมริกาเหนือ>.
As a result, the cancerogenesis-rate(%) of peoples increased.
Recent African origin of modern humans http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recent_single-origin_hypothesis
Pyrmont town in the state of Nebraska<รัฐเนแบรสกา> on the Great Plains of the Midwestern United States is a cold northern district -where is a feeble a sunlight<แสงอาทิตย์>-. So, Pyrmont town in Nebraska<รัฐเนแบรสกา> is the most highest district about a cancer death rate(%) of Colorectal cancer<โรคมะเร็งลำไส้ใหญ่และทวารหนัก>.
According to the report of the large-scale experiment or clinical trial that includes a comparison group about a causal relationship between Vitamin D<วิตามินดี> and Colorectal cancer<โรคมะเร็งลำไส้ใหญ่และทวารหนัก>, the cancer risk of peoples -who takes Vitamin D<วิตามินดี>- was a half of peoples -who does not take Vitamin D.
Dr. Cedric Garland -epidemiologist<นักวิจัยวิทยาการระบาด>- found out that several cancers are closely related to the UV dose. Excessive Sunburn causes a skin cancer<มะเร็งผิวหนัง>. But it is important to sunbathe 15minutes per a day.
How Vitamin D Reduces Incidence of Cancer: DINOMIT Model
Until Thomas Edison<โทมัส เอดิสัน> invented an electric-light<โคมไฟ>, peoples had gotten to sleep at night.
A hunter-gatherer like Bushmen in Africa Bushmen in Africa
"The Gods Must Be Crazy"(1980 South African comedy film ) เทวดาท่าจะบ๊องส์
Thomas Edison<โทมัส เอดิสัน> invented an electric-light<โคมไฟ>. As a result, the life style of peoples who staying up late at night has decreased the amount of Melatonin<เมลาโทนิน> !!
Melatonin<เมลาโทนิน> increases within a human-body in the night sleeping. And, its Melatonin<เมลาโทนิน> has the effect of stop a canceration.
Night work people secretes only one-fifth(1/5) of Melatonin<เมลาโทนิน> compared with the daytime workers. As a result, the cancerogenesis rate(%) of the breast cancer<มะเร็งเต้านม> of night-time worker is twice as high risk as day-time worker. The cancerogenesis rate(%) of the Prostate cancer<มะเร็งต่อมลูกหมาก> is twice as high risk as three times as day-time worker.
The Electric-light<โคมไฟ> which inventing by Thomas Edison<โทมัส เอดิสัน> caused a change against peoples'life. Subsequently, Peoples became able to be active at night.
But it has become apparent that the change of people's life-style has increased the risk of cancer<มะเร็ง> of human-being<มนุษย์> who continuing a life-style sleeping at night for tens of thousands years.
According to the reported findings,
the cancer-risk(%) of the night work nurses is higher than the daytime work nurse.
Ms.Larsson is a nurse working at the hospital in suburb of Copenhagen<โคเปนเฮเกน>, Denmark<เดนมาร์ก> for more than 30 years.
She has worked a night-time work more than 30 years.
A breast cancer was found within her body 3 years ago. Then, She had an operation.
Also now, she has continued to drink a medicine for a prevention of recurrence.
Now, the Dr.Gabriele Ronnett's research-team of Johns Hopkins University has developed the new drug used to treat some forms of cancer<มะเร็ง>.
7 million years ago, A human-being<มนุษย์> and a chimpanzee<ชิมแปนซี> branched off from a common ancestor and has evolved on the each process. The difference of genes between Human-being<มนุษย์> and chimpanzee<ชิมแปนซี> is only 1%. Now, the latest treatment has been approached to the mechanism of cancer.
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)
Acute myeloid leukemia
Adrenocortical carcinoma
AIDS-related cancers
AIDS-related lymphoma
Anal cancer
Appendix cancer
Astrocytoma, childhood cerebellar or cerebral
Basal-cell carcinoma
Bile duct cancer, extrahepatic (see Cholangiocarcinoma)
Bladder cancer
Bone tumor, Osteosarcoma/Malignant fibrous histiocytoma
Brainstem glioma
Brain cancer
Brain tumor, cerebellar astrocytoma
Brain tumor, cerebral astrocytoma/malignant glioma
Brain tumor, ependymoma
Brain tumor, medulloblastoma
Brain tumor, supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumors
Brain tumor, visual pathway and hypothalamic glioma
Breast cancer
Bronchial adenomas/carcinoids
Burkitt's lymphoma
Carcinoid tumor, childhood
Carcinoid tumor, gastrointestinal
Carcinoma of unknown primary
Central nervous system lymphoma, primary
Cerebellar astrocytoma, childhood
Cerebral astrocytoma/Malignant glioma, childhood
Cervical cancer
Childhood cancers
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Chronic myelogenous leukemia
Chronic myeloproliferative disorders
Colon Cancer
Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
Desmoplastic small round cell tumor
Endometrial cancer
Esophageal cancer
Ewing's sarcoma in the Ewing family of tumors
Extracranial germ cell tumor, Childhood
Extragonadal Germ cell tumor
Extrahepatic bile duct cancer
Eye Cancer, Intraocular melanoma
Eye Cancer, Retinoblastoma
Gallbladder cancer
Gastric (Stomach) cancer
Gastrointestinal Carcinoid Tumor
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST)
Germ cell tumor: extracranial, extragonadal, or ovarian
Gestational trophoblastic tumor
Glioma of the brain stem
Glioma, Childhood Cerebral Astrocytoma
Glioma, Childhood Visual Pathway and Hypothalamic
Gastric carcinoid
Hairy cell leukemia
Head and neck cancer
Heart cancer
Hepatocellular (liver) cancer
Hodgkin lymphoma
Hypopharyngeal cancer
Hypothalamic and visual pathway glioma, childhood
Intraocular Melanoma
Islet Cell Carcinoma (Endocrine Pancreas)
Kaposi sarcoma
Kidney cancer (renal cell cancer)
Laryngeal Cancer
Leukemia, acute lymphoblastic (also called acute lymphocytic leukemia)
Leukemia, acute myeloid (also called acute myelogenous leukemia)
Leukemia, chronic lymphocytic (also called chronic lymphocytic leukemia)
Leukemia, chronic myelogenous (also called chronic myeloid leukemia)
Leukemia, hairy cell
Lip and Oral Cavity Cancer
Liver Cancer (Primary)
Lung Cancer, Non-Small Cell
Lung Cancer, Small Cell
Lymphoma, AIDS-related
Lymphoma, Burkitt
Lymphoma, cutaneous T-Cell
Lymphoma, Hodgkin
Lymphomas, Non-Hodgkin (an old classification of all lymphomas except Hodgkin's)
Lymphoma, Primary Central Nervous System
Macroglobulinemia, Waldenström
Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma of Bone/Osteosarcoma
Medulloblastoma, Childhood
Melanoma, Intraocular (Eye)
Merkel Cell Carcinoma
Mesothelioma, Adult Malignant
Mesothelioma, Childhood
Metastatic Squamous Neck Cancer with Occult Primary
Mouth Cancer
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome, Childhood
Multiple Myeloma/Plasma Cell Neoplasm
Mycosis Fungoides
Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Myelodysplastic/Myeloproliferative Diseases
Myelogenous Leukemia, Chronic
Myeloid Leukemia, Adult Acute
Myeloid Leukemia, Childhood Acute
Myeloma, Multiple (Cancer of the Bone-Marrow)
Myeloproliferative Disorders, Chronic
Nasal cavity and paranasal sinus cancer
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Non-small cell lung cancer
Oral Cancer
Oropharyngeal cancer
Osteosarcoma/malignant fibrous histiocytoma of bone
Ovarian cancer
Ovarian epithelial cancer (Surface epithelial-stromal tumor)
Ovarian germ cell tumor
Ovarian low malignant potential tumor
Pancreatic cancer
Pancreatic cancer, islet cell
Paranasal sinus and nasal cavity cancer
Parathyroid cancer
Penile cancer
Pharyngeal cancer
Pineal astrocytoma
Pineal germinoma
Pineoblastoma and supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumors, childhood
Pituitary adenoma
Plasma cell neoplasia/Multiple myeloma
Pleuropulmonary blastoma
Primary central nervous system lymphoma
Prostate cancer
Rectal cancer
Renal cell carcinoma (kidney cancer)
Renal pelvis and ureter, transitional cell cancer
Rhabdomyosarcoma, childhood
Salivary gland cancer
Sarcoma, Ewing family of tumors
Sarcoma, Kaposi
Sarcoma, soft tissue
Sarcoma, uterine
Sézary syndrome
Skin cancer (nonmelanoma)
Skin cancer (melanoma)
Skin carcinoma, Merkel cell
Small cell lung cancer
Small intestine cancer
Soft tissue sarcoma
Squamous cell carcinoma – see Skin cancer (nonmelanoma)
Squamous neck cancer with occult primary, metastatic
Stomach cancer
Supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumor, childhood
T-Cell lymphoma, cutaneous – see Mycosis Fungoides and Sézary syndrome
Testicular cancer
Throat cancer
Thymoma, childhood
Thymoma and Thymic carcinoma
Thyroid cancer
Thyroid cancer, childhood
Transitional cell cancer of the renal pelvis and ureter
Trophoblastic tumor, gestational
Unknown primary site, carcinoma of, adult
Unknown primary site, cancer of, childhood
Ureter and renal pelvis, transitional cell cancer
Urethral cancer
Uterine cancer, endometrial
Uterine sarcoma
Vaginal cancer
Visual pathway and hypothalamic glioma, childhood
Vulvar cancer
Waldenström macroglobulinemia
Wilms tumor (kidney cancer), childhood
Karl Jenkins & Adiemus-Beyond the Century
cancer treatment malignant tumor carcinoma sarcoma malignant neoplasm 癌症 恶性肿瘤 Kanser Magnant må Ung thư Saraton kasallik سرطان عارضہ Злоякісна пухлина Яман шеш Kensa มะเร็ง Бемории Саратони కాన్సర్ புற்றுநோய் Saratani Kangker Рак болест Kanceri Kansar Rak bolezen Zhubný nádor පිළිකා Rak bolest Boras कर्कटरोगः Раковіна Злокачественная опухоль Apanqara unquy Kansir Cancro سرطان سرطان Nowotwór złośliwy ਕਰਕਟ ਰੋਗ କର୍କଟ ରୋଗ Càncer Kreft Kanker क्यान्सर क्यान्सर Kaanker ကင်ဆာရောဂါ Penyakit Barah कर्करोग Хорт хавдар അർബുദം Рак болест Vēzis slimība Vėžys liga Kaanker Cancer morbus 암 ಕ್ಯಾನ್ಸರ್ სიმსივნე Krabbamein Cancere rákbetegségek Kancero Kansè Rak bolest zloćudna novotvorina कर्कट रोग סרטן מחלה Sankara કર્કરોગ કેન્સર Cancro Aillse Vähktõbi Syöpä سرطان Cancru Minbizi Ailse Vähk haigus Vähktõbi ehk pahaloomulised kasvajad Καρκίνος ކެންސަރ Qanser Krebs Medizin Krebsgeschwulst Malignom Kræft Cancr Rakovina شێرپەنجە Càncer Rak bolest Krign-bev འབྲས་སྐྲན། ক্যান্সার Рак болест Злаякасная пухліна Viežīs Xərçəng xəstəlik Cáncanu কৰ্কট ৰোগ سرطان ܬܠܗܝܐ Злокачественное новообразование толстого кишечника Koloncancer Paksusuolen syöpä Tarmkreft Rak jelita grubego Cancer de colon 肠直肠癌 結直腸癌 Cáncer colorrectal Darmkanker 대장암 วิธีการรักษาโรคมะเร็งใหม่
南西諸島 奄美群島 東シナ海 沖縄諸島 那覇市 沖縄 国際通り 今帰仁村 美ら海
南西諸島 琉球列島 クルーズフェリー 飛龍 慶良間諸島 沖縄 残波岬 ビーチ 読谷 ツアー
南西諸島 琉球列島 トロピカル リゾート スクーバ ダイビング スノーケリング 那覇 沖縄 宮古島 石垣島 読谷
南西諸島 琉球列島 スクーバ ダイビング シュノーケリング 川平湾 国際通り 沖縄
島人 海人 ツアー サンセット ビーチ フチャク 恩納村 読谷村 残波岬 那覇市 沖縄 美ら島 水族館 海ぶどう
沖縄 慶良間諸島 久米島 八重山諸島 石垣島 宮古島 恩納村 読谷村 北谷町 宜野湾市 糸満市 海中道路 名護市 奥間 西表島 波照間島 小浜島 黒島 由布島 琉球王国村 首里城s真栄田岬 宮城海岸 サンセットビーチ トロピカルビーチ 波の上ビーチ 奄美群島 南西諸島
海外保険 アジア タイ 海外旅行保険 シンガポール マレーシア クアラルンプール バンコク 国際送金 クレジットカード ゴールドカード 国際電話 海外移住 両替 プーケット Phuket Thailand